Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a method originally developed by psychologist, Dr. Francine Shapiro to treat trauma and psychological conditions severe enough to meet the criteria for a diagnosis of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These trauma’s can be recent such as a person involved in a serious car accident or may have occurred many years ago such as a soldier exposed to death and dying during World War 2.
Over the past 20 years, EMDR has been shown to be a highly useful psychological approach to relieve these symptoms and in many cases, dramatically eliminate the suffering associated with the traumatic event.
Numerous research studies support the use of EMDR for effectively treating many psychological conditions.
Like any approach, you would want to be seen by someone who is very well trained and experienced.
Dr.Robert Heller was one of the earliest therapists to be trained by Dr. Francine Shapiro, the founder of EMDR and has been using EMDR with scores of clients for many years in his Boca Raton, Florida office. With over 38 years helping clients, you will be working with one of South Florida’s most experienced practitioners.
EMDR is an 8 step process but is often a relatively short term approach in that client’s issues are often resolved in a matter of months rather than years. Sessions are often 90 minutes in length rather than more typical 45 minute sessions. Extended sessions allow for steps to be handled and completed more smoothly and without the rush or sense of lack of completion that can result in shorter sessions.
Following an initial consultation, clients complete detailed questionnaires to help Dr. Heller in understanding the nature and depth of their concerns, identify strengths and weaknesses, provide the client with coping tools, explain the process in details, and answer client questions.
EMDR is both a “talk therapy” and an “experiential” therapy, where negative thoughts, memories, feelings and bodily sensations are targeted for change and re processed resulting in healthier thinking feeling and functioning.
At times, EMDR can be integrated with cognitive therapy and/ or hypnosis. Dr. Heller, based on his many years of experience and training will meet with and discuss options with clients based on their needs and unique situation.
Dr. Heller has effectively used EMDR as an adjunct to other therapies where the client/therapist has become “stuck” in their work. In these cases, clients can continue to work with current providers if they choose or resume work with them after the EMDR treatment has been completed.